Manage Your Auto Renewal
If you have a PayPal account, you can manage your Automatic Payment via the PayPal website. They don't make it easy. To help, here is a direct link: Paypal auto payment page Once you select an auto payment to cancel, there is not a 'Cancel' option. Instead, it's 'Remove Paypal as a payment option' down toward the bottom. That wording is probably the most accurate since Paypal can't promise anything else about a subscription agreement that someone has made with a completely different company, but I found it kind of obscure. If you do not have a PayPal account, we are genuinely happy to help you with any changes to your Automatic Payment. Email us with requests for cancellations and refunds and we will handle it promptly. This site is meant to help people and sometimes the best way to help is a prompt refund.
What Happens If My Subscription Expires?
You will still be able to log in as usual. If you can't log in, the issue is with the log in information, either a typo in the password or email or a forgotten password. Once you are logged in, if the account is up for renewal there will be a banner with instructions and links to get you quickly back in action.
Listed Suppliers
The most recent available catalog of each of these suppliers (except those in the Reviews Only category) make up the listings you see on DAHLIAaddict.
Those listed as Dahlia Growers sell domestic-grown single tubers or rooted cuttings. With few exceptions, Dahlia Resellers sell an imported Dutch product I call 'mini-clumps'. It is not unusual for people to have a preference or want to be certain which they are purchasing as the two products have a different set of pros and cons.
Suppliers are not vetted before inclusion on DAHLIAaddict. Most all people are honest, but some Suppliers may be inexperienced and all are subject to the most unfortunate turns of fate. If stakes are high, consider factors like business size and experience in your ordering. A one-person operation with no back-up plan or that objects to being asked about their back-up plan may be a great dahlia grower, but a bad match for risk-averse shoppers.
Suppliers get added to DAHLIAaddict by asking to be added or we find them on our own and add them. At the current time, mostly the first one. Some suppliers are visible only to subscribers.
In the beginning it was the opposite. Suppliers did not begin to request to be added until the site had been running for a couple of years. When Suppliers approach us to be added, we ask them to support DAHLIAaddict in return, generally an annual payment of their choice.
Very recently, we have refrained from adding some sites that we find because we can see that the Supplier is already dealing with more custom than their operation can serve easily. This is not a change we welcome, as we love adding new suppliers.
Review Info Only
The Review Info Only section includes suppliers whose catalog used to be on DAHLIAaddict but, for a variety of reasons, is no longer listed. The supplier could be out-of-business, not have a conventional catalog, have received too many negative reviews, etc.
Price List
The Price List page offers the ability to see a supplier’s catalog in alphabetical order and which, if any, are unique to their catalog.
The Price List may also be sorted by availability.
Rating & Reviews
Click on the Star ★ ratings to see the reviews the ratings are based on.
Reviews are moderated and may be edited for length or clarity. Thank you to everyone who takes a moment to post a positive review. It's truly a gift of your time, and we do appreciate it and so do the farmers who worked so hard all year.
Regarding negative reviews: We post them under an 'informational only' policy. Venting can be cathartic and affirming, but other sites accommodate that very well already. We don't accept things that are not useful to the wider public such as:
- Insults.
- Speculation about the Supplier's intent or likely abode in the hereafter.
- Complaints about things outside the Supplier's control such as the customer not reading or not liking the Supplier's posted policy or too much traffic affecting a Supplier's site performance.
- Information that is useful only to the supplier, such as what the Supplier would have to do to keep the reviewer as a customer.
The review feature on DAHLIAaddict can be aggravating to provide. We do it because we think it's valuable.
We will remove the inventory, but not reviews, from DAHLIAaddict if a Supplier's level of performance gets too low.
Favorite Suppliers
As you browse DAHLIAaddict, to designate a supplier as a Favorite, click on the Heart next to a supplier’s name. These suppliers will sort to the top of your variety searches and appear on your ‘Favorites’ view on the Supplier page.
Click the Heart again to turn off the designation at any time and from any page.
Newly Opened
The Sunrise indicates a supplier that is newly open. Mouse overHold down on the icon to see their opening date.
The Globe indicates a supplier that ships across at least one international border.
The Stamp indicates a supplier that only accepts check and money order payments.
Listed Varieties
A Variety appears on DAHLIAaddict if one of the listed Suppliers carried it in their most recent catalog. Suppliers that are accepting orders are in a darker font color and not italicized. Suppliers that are not accepting orders at the current time have a lighter font color and are italicized.
We welcome info about potentially mislabeled Varieties in catalogs. Mislabels can reproduce exactly as fast and as far as the tubers they are applied to. We try not to get too invested in controlling the chaos, but we do what we can not to list incorrect inventory items.
If the price is crossed out , that Supplier is sold out of that Variety. Sorry! However, some Suppliers may restock during the season, sometimes multiple times.
Search Results
The list of dahlia names in the left column is the result of your search.
Perhaps you clicked on a letter in the alphabet menu across the top. In this case, you would see all the varieties appearing on DAHLIAaddict that start with that character.
When performing a variety name search, on the left under the alphabet menu, the left column will have all the results that meet your criteria.
Dahlia variety names often contain proper names or creatively spelled words. If you are having trouble locating a variety using the name search, go shorter, and enter only the part of the name you are most sure of. Glor perhaps to find Glorie Van Noordwijk. Leave off possessives and plurals. Commonly misspelled words: Gitts, Polventon, Mistill, Chimacum.
Varieties that have at least one available listing will appear in darker text. Varieties that don't have any available listings (all their suppliers are closed or sold out) will appear in lighter text and be italicized.
As you browse DAHLIAaddict, click on the Flower next to a variety’s name to add it to your Wishlist. These varieties will be listed on your Wishlist page and marked on search results and Price Lists.
Click the Flower again to turn off the designation at any time and from any page.
The Sprout indicates a Variety that ships as a rooted cutting.
The Ship indicates a Variety grown in Europe and imported to be resold.
The Pot indicates a Variety that ships as a small dahlia clump in soil.